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The Raw Truth About Why You Feel Numb, Anxious, or Dissatisfied, and How Your Body is the Key to the Divine Connection that Changes Everything
January 4th, 5th, 12th
The Foundational Practice that represents the essence of all wisdom traditions and great spiritual teachings. This practice is so simple a child can understand it, and yet so elusive that even seasoned practitioners never master it. This one practice alone carries the potential to free you from stress, anxiety or depression, and transform your life right now, today.
Real-Life Examples of What a Road from Rock Bottom Looks Like and the critical elements of support, embodied practice, and concrete tools that you need to move through whatever difficulty you are currently facing.
Foundations of Mindfulness that can represent a "New Normal" in the way you move through life. These two simple practices have the power to revolutionize your day to day experience--even immediately--and can open your eyes to a whole new dimension of your daily reality.
Specific Guidelines for Effective Embodied Practice that will optimize your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health on a daily basis. These Practices offer a powerful reframe to stop objectifying your body and begin honoring it as the sacred vehicle that moves you through life.
A Customized Workbook to help capture your present-moment insights and impressions as you move through the Training. The workbook also gives you an easy and organized way to record the most valuable information and tips so you can use our time together to make a real impact on your daily life moving forward.
Whether you have been taken down by the COVID fallout, are tired of the diet and exercise roller-coaster, have experienced a great loss, are facing a major life transition, or are just hungry for a richer, deeper life – this can be the turning point you’ve been hoping for.
So much has changed in people’s lives over the past few years, and the same old answers just don’t seem to satisfy. There’s got to be more out there – a path forward that doesn’t polarize, demonize, blame or isolate.
In Truth…all you need really is Love, and you can find it most powerfully by learning how to access it in and through the body. Join me to discover the tools and practices that will help connect you to the abundance that is already there, already within you.
A Personal Note from Becky…
I’ve spent decades immersing myself in fitness, mindfulness, recovery work, and healing community.
The unique perspective and experience I have been gifted has birthed the one-of-a-kind embodied programs and trainings offered through Lifehousefit Body & Soul.
When I was at my own Rock Bottom, I was blessed to have the right people show up at the right time to walk me to a healing path I would never have found on my own. Looking back, I can see so clearly that despite my best intentions, I simply did not have the tools to move through my pain and overwhelm.
If you’re ready, this can be the year that everything changes, simply by opening your mind to practices and ideas that are new to you. Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is put yourself out there and admit that you need help. After all, pain is a part of a life–that much is inevitable. But sometimes we decide how long we stay in our suffering. My greatest hope and intention is to pay forward the gift that I’ve been given, and alleviate the unnecessary suffering of those who don’t know where to turn. If you’re ready, you really can find beauty for ashes, and transform your pain into strength, hope, and experience.
Choose the time that works best for you >>
See you there!