The answers you’re seeking are already within you.

Learn how to find them at Body Soul School.

We offer a comprehensive approach to lifelong spiritual awakening, mental health, and wellness through modern psychology and ancient Eastern philosophies, combining:

  • structured curriculum
  • embodied mindfulness practice
  • supportive community
  • guided meditation

Build resilience toward an empowered life guided by your own inner compass.


Explore a structured curriculum of mindfulness and psychology with support and accountability.


Create an embodied lifestyle with Fitness, Yoga, & Guided Walking Meditations.


Community & mentorship sustain the personal practice that connects you to your Highest Self.

Community is the key to long-term change.

Course enrollment includes weekly group meetings held via Zoom. Together, we explore each week’s material, share experience, and get feedback on how to apply the tools in our personal lives.

Community keeps us in consistent practice, accountable to ourselves and others for our attitudes and actions. Without relational support and feedback, we rarely see ourselves clearly. Without consistent check-ins, we rarely stick with positive change.

Don’t waste anymore time stuck in old thinking patterns, self-defeating behaviors, and disempowering traumas. If you haven’t yet been successful in your desired changes, community may be the X-factor you’re missing.

One Day at a Time

An Embodied Lifestyle

Too often, we compartmentalize our lives. We splice ourselves apart and think this is the way to manage what feels chaotic or out of control. But mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health are all connected.

With mindfulness, we zoom out the lens and integrate all aspects of Self. With compassionate curiosity, we listen to and honor our body as a sacred vehicle of discernment. We come to recognize more quickly when we are off, and how to re-center.

Our programs represent a curriculum of modern psychology and mindfulness to support and deepen mental health, spiritual awakening, and trauma healing.

Each lesson is supported by Embodied Practice and guided meditations.  As you commit to this practice, you will be amazed at how naturally your inner compass begins to emerge and your next right step becomes clear.

Our goal is to provide a framework and community that can truly support a lifetime of awakening, guided by your own deepest inner compass.

Is this program for me?

Body Soul School Courses are unique in their scope and structure. Our signature curriculum represents a unique marriage of 12-step principles, modern psychology, and ancient mindfulness practices: born of personal experience and amplified by education and professional training.

Resources include:

  • weekly group meetings with small cohort (10-15) and certified mindfulness mentor
  • recorded embodied practice sessions including cardio release, yoga, and meditation
  • guided meditations that correlate with each lesson
  • optional individual mentoring

Problems We Solve:


Spirituality without Religion

At Body Soul School, we become students of the unique and universal spiritual connection that lives within each one of us. The principles and practices we explore can be applied to any belief system or none at all. We come together to celebrate and uncover the Namaste that connects us, and remove the blocks that keep us from wholeness and inner peace.


Self-Love & Compassion

If you are your own worst enemy, our programs can give you the tools to heal your most important relationship–the one with yourself! As you deeply engage in the Practice and trust the process, self-love is the inevitable result. Increased self-compassion is the most consistent and distinguishable result of our participants.


Unresolved Trauma

If you’re still carrying the weight of past traumas, this Course was made for you. Week by week, you’ll be guided through practices and mindsets to free yourself from the wounds that you’ve buried. One week at a time, we inch our way toward freedom, an open and willing heart, forgiveness, and power.

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